
cendaIndonesia is very rich in the diversity of birds in the region. One of the most beautiful birds, the birds of paradise, is Cendrawasih (Paradisaea raggiana). Nowadays, this kind of beautiful bird is about facing its extinction. Why why why? People keep hunting them. Why again? Ough, this is a money talk.

Unfortunately, the birds have been listed as endangered and trapping. The export are illegal, but still, all species of this bird are still being traded illegally on the black market. “Burung Cendrawasih”, is the Indonesian name of this bird. We can easily recognize them, of course! They are very different with another species. Well, they have such rare and beautiful plumage. Burung Cendrawasih size is about 13 inches in length (33 cm). They fly slowly, but they have a graceful appearance.


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