Taman Mini Indonesia Indah

tmiiTaman Mini Indonesia Indah is a famous recreational park in east Jakarta, Indonesia. Taman Mini Indonesia Indah literally means Beautiful Indonesia Miniature Park. Jakarta due to its strategic location, varied culture and rich tradition attracts the domestic and foreign tourists and Taman Mini Indonesia Indah is the summation of the vivid Indonesian culture and reflects the various intricate aspects of the day to day life in Indonesia. Each and every Indonesian province has got its own distinct culture, tradition, attire and dialects.

Features of Taman Mini Indonesia Indah
  1. The unique complex of Taman Mini Indonesia Indah is spread out on a vast area of 120 hectares of land.
  2.  Life-sized duplicates of traditional architecture from each province of Indonesia, a miniature version of the Indonesian archipelago, a string of museums and a number of properly maintained parks and gardens comprise of some of the prominent features in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah.
  3. A beautiful artificial lake adorns the center of the Taman Mini Indonesia Indah.
  4. Taman Mini Indonesia Indah was conceptualized by the late Indonesian first lady, Madam Tien Soeharto.
  5. In Taman Mini Indonesia Indah a model of each of the houses from the 26 different provinces of Indonesia is built. 
  6. Models from each Indonesian province is encapsulated in separate pavilions with elaborate collections of architecture, clothing, dances and traditions all depicted vividly and perfectly in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah.
  7. Theater Tanah Airku or Theatre of My Nation is another popular tourist attraction in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah.

Fourteen museums are found in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah

Indonesia Museum
Perangko Indonesia Museum
Pusaka Museum
Transportasi Museum
Listrik & Energi Baru Museum
Telekomunikasi Museum
Penerangan Museum
Olahraga Museum
Asmat Museum
Komodo Museum
Serangga Museum
Research & Technology Information Centre
Minyak & Gas Bumi Museum
Keprajuritan Museum

Other famous parts of Taman Mini Indonesia Indah

Istana Anak-Anak Indonesia
Kereta Gantung
Perahu Angsa Arsipel Indonesia
Taman Among Putro
Taman Ria Atmaja
Taman Renang Ambar Tirta
Teater Imax Keong Emas


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