
anoAnoa animals is typical South. There are two species namely Anoa: Anoa Mountain (Bubalus quarlesi) and Anoa The Lowest (Bubalus depressicornis). Both live in the forest that does not dijamah man. They look similar to deer and has a weight of 150-300 kg. Anoa child will be born once a year. Both species can be found in Sulawesi, Indonesia. Since 1960 is in endangered status. Estimated there are currently fewer than 5,000 chickens that still survive. Anoa often taken to be hunted skin, meat and tanduknya. Anoa Mountain is also known by the name of Mountain Anoa, Anoa de Montana, Anoa de Quarle, Anoa des Montagnes, and Quarle's Anoa. While Anoa The Lowest also known by the name of Lowland Anoa, Anoa de Ilanura, or Anoa des Plaines.


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