Lombok Island

loisLombok island is part of West Nusa Tenggara province, lies just east of the celebrated island of Gods, Bali and the neighboring off the beaten track Sumbawa to the east.

Lombok island can be reach both by air from Bali, Surabaya, Jakarta and other cities in Indonesia while by sea from Padang Bai harbor east of Bali Island and Poto Tano west Sumbawa Island.

Surrounded by emerald green hills and the second highest volcano in Indonesia,Rinjani dominated its the northern side. It is one the world’s famous trekking destinations beside its immaculate white sandy beaches with swaying palm trees line up the coastal areas.

Lombok also has many small islets with their well known under water sea world, the Gilis, such as Trawangan, Meno, Air, Nanggu, Gede and Sulat at east Lombok.

Lombok is devided into 3 regencies and one minupality, West Lombok the capital city is Gerung around 15 minutes from Mataram City. Central Lombok the capital city is Praya and can be reach only 30 minutes from Mataram. East Lombok the capital city is Selong, around 55 kilometer from Mataram.

Lombok is home to approximately 3 million people, they are mainly Sasak and several hundred thousands of Balinese and a small population of Arab and Chinese.


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