Coto Makasar

comaCoto Makassar is one of the most famous Indoesian food. No one know when coto makassar was found. The only thing that people know is that coto makassar is one of the most famous Makassar food. If we go to Makassar someday, don’t forget to try this delicious food.

Coto Makassar ingredients are shallots, garlic cloves, salam leaves, coriander seeds, some water, lemon grass, peanuts, galangal, chinese celery, and beef chuck. People of jenoponto usually use horse meat to make coto makassar.

If we want to try this food, don’t worry, coto makassar now can easily found anywhere and anytime, so you don’t have to go to Makassar just because you want to try this food. If we go to the mall, usually we can easily found this food, just look for Indonesian typical restaurant there.

In Makassar, the price of coto makassar are different between one place and another. The price are varies from Rp 3500,00 to Rp 7000,00. 


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