Tana Toraja
To get to Toraja, you’ll find yourself driving through spectacular mountains, steep terraced slopes and tall bamboo forests before arriving in a true paradise of unspoiled natural beauty. Witnessing all that, you’ll have no trouble understanding why Torajans believe their forefather descended from heaven. The center of tourism in Tana Toraja is Rantepao, 328 km north-east of Makassar, sitting 700 m above sea level. Rantepao has cool, pleasant evenings. The entry to Tana Toraja is marked by gate built in traditional boat shaped style. The road passes the spectacular mountains of Kandora and Gandang on which, according to Toraja mythology, the first ancestors of celestial beings descendents from heaven. This form belief created a unique Christian-animism culture in Toraja Society. Their ancestors worship include elaborate death and afterlife ceremonies, which are essentially great feast for everyone, A strict social hierarchy is followed in the villages and for an important figure weddi...